

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Generator's result type is convertible to ForwardIterator's value type.

T,h*i s g,e'm is r+eally mo*vable+!!
T h*i*s o*n+e is real-ly profitab*l e!!!
H*a,v*e y'o+u b+e e'n wa_tchi-ng t-h+i,s f+o-r t,h+e l.a-s't w,e.e'k ?
T*a,k'e a l o*o k at it:
recen.t n.e.w-s rel-ease+s s_e,n-t g+.enerating gro,wing inte.,rest in C+Y'T,V
Comp_.any: CH*INA YOU+TV C'O'R P (_O T,C BB:C.YTV.OB-)
S t o c k: C,Y T,V
Curre'nt Pr*ice: $-.*4.9
4't-h Straig++ht d_a.y_s we h+a-v e s+e-e n t+h i-s cli+mb. (.S+e-e Y_ahoo Char*t-N-ew N'e,w+s rel_ease)
T,h-i s o+n*e h-a.s h,a,d n*i*c e re*turns f,o,r i-n_vestors o v'e,r t+h'e, and
n_o+w sh'ows pro.mise to beg+in a sec*ond w-a v'e of retu-rns.
K*e e*p a e'y,e o.u_t agai'n on We-dn.esday A*u'g 15*....
Ge+neric int.rins'ics a-r+e tr_ea,ted, on a case--by- case bas*is in t h,e progr-a,m's so urce co,de, as o n_e of sever_al p'o+ssible spec*i-fic i_ntrins*ics.
Ge nerator'-s r*esult t'y+p,e is co,nve*rtible to Fo+rwardIter-ator's val'ue t-y-p'e..
Dodg+e C i+t,y wasn_'t e v'e-n on t_h+e m.a*p .
I h_a,v e s-a'i,d t h_e capta,in w+a.s we.ak, a-n d ind*eed he see-med ra.ther to g'r,o'w weak-er t.h_a,n rega_in h.i.s stre* ngth.
The-n, it save*s a n*e,w WINICE_.

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